Tibetan Buddhist Titles and Ranks: (bod lugs nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i go gnas kyi ming dang rim pa)
Tibetan Buddhist Titles and Ranks: (bod lugs nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i go gnas kyi ming dang rim pa)
Monastic Terms (from the Vinaya & Tibetan Usage)
- Abbess, Khenmo, Upadhyayani (mkhan mo):
- Abbot, Khenpo, Upadhyaya (Khenpo - head of the monks) (mkhan po):
- Chant Master, Umsey (dbu mdzad):
- Child Monk (grwa phrug):
- Congregation of Monks (grwa tshogs):
- Disciplinarian, Geku, Upadhiwarika (dge bskos):
- Disciplinarian -, Chos khrims pa (dge bskos):
- Flute Player, Gyalingpa (rgya gling pa):
- Gelobma, Shikshamana, (dge slob ma): ordination for females between dge tshul ma and gelong ma.
- Great Abbot, Khenchen (great abbot) (mkhan chen) Maha Upadhyaya:
- Great Monk, Gelong Chenmo, (dge slong chen mo):
- Great Monk or Nun, Banchen (ban chen):
- Head Cook, Solpon (gsol dpon):
- Junior Abbot, Khenchung (junior abbot) (mkhan chung):
- Master and Disciple (dpon slob):
- Monk, Drapa (draw pa) (sku gzhogs):
- Monk, Gelong fully ordained monk (dge slong):
- Monastic, Rabtujungwa, Pravrajita, (ordained monk or nun) (rab tu byung ba):
- Monk, Tsunpa, Bande (btsun pa) (monk):
- Nun/Aunt, Ani/tsunma (a ni, btsun ma):
- Novitiate Nun, Getsulma (Shramanerika, dge tshul ma):
- Novitiate Monk, Getsul (Shramanera, dge tshul): novice monk. Getsul – 36 vows (These 36 vows are the same as the 10 in the Template:Wiki traditions). Getsul means “the one who’s Template:Wiki in virtuous conduct.”
- Nun, Gelongma (Bhikshuni, dge slong ma: fully ordained nun
- Official Abbot, Chikyab Khenpo (spyi khyab mkhan po):
- Old Monk, Bangan (ban rgan):
- Scholar Abbots, Khenrab (mkhan rabs):
- Senior or Retired Teacher (bla zur):
- Senior Monk, Lagan (bla rgan):
- Senior/elderly Monk (grwa rgan):
- Shrine Master, Konyen (dkon gnyer):
- Teacher, Gegan (teacher) (Guru) (dge rgan):
- Throne Holder Abbots, Trirab/danrab (khri rabs/gdan rabs):
- Treasurer/general secretary, Chagdzo (phyag mdzod):
- Young Monk, Banchung (ban chung):
- A lay person may take the 5 vows called 'approaching virtue' (in Tibetan 'genyen' dge snyan). Genyen – 5 vows (Template:Wiki, stealing, Template:Wiki, sexual misconduct, using intoxicants including Template:Wiki). This is for lay people.
- The next step is to enter the monastic way of life (Tib. rabjung) which includes wearing monk's or nun's robes. Rabjung – The 5 vows and 3 precepts including not wearing ornaments or perfumes, not sitting on high beds or thrones and not eating after midday. Rabjung means “cutting the Template:Wiki hair to signify one’s willingness to give up attachment to worldly things and live a homeless life.”
After that, one can become a 'Template:Wiki' (Pali samanera, Tib. getshül);
Jeff Watt & Karma Gellek