Reincarnation, also called transmigration of soul, is the rebirth in another body (after physical death), of a person's Soul or spirit into the new body. Its occurrence is a central tenet of Sikhism, other religions, as well as various other philosophies.
The Sikhs believe that the Soul has to transmigrate from one body to another as part of an evolution process of the Soul. This evolution of the Soul will eventually results in a union with God upon the proper purification of the spirit. If one does not perform righteous deeds, ones soul will continue to cycle in reincarnation forever. A being who has performed good deeds and actions in their lives is transmigrated to a better and higher life form in the next life until the soul of the being becomes Godlike. From a human life form, if one performs the proper functions of a Gurmukh, the person can achieve salvation with God. One must cleanse the soul by reciting Naam, by remembrance of Waheguru and by following the path of Gurmat.
Template:Srigranth The view on incarnation does not appear correct.a sikh aims at being a 'mukta',not rolling in reincarnation.while human form may be the result of past action,the aim for future is to become free from avagaman.being a mukta is the highest achievement for a sikh.reincarnation is clearly a brahmanical idea is rejected by sikhism. To forget Waheguru or for follow your primal instincts is to regress in your spiritual evolution. Intellect and mental agility is not a passport to spiritual heaven. Gurbani explains the consequences of deviating from the righteous path:
Gurbani tells us that the key to the door of salvation is in the hands of the Master, remember the hundred of gifts that He has given us. Remember that it is only due to Waheguru that we have this life as a human beings with this wonderful and miraculous body and mind. God has created the air that we breath; the foods that we eat; the Sun that sustains us; the Earth that is our support. We owe a huge debt to nature and the master Creator. Bani asks us to recite the Shabad and let light enter into our minds:
Scientific evidence[edit | edit source]
There have been studies done into reincarnation by hypnotists; some believe that details of past lives can be revealed by subjects when they are under hypnosis. The Bloxham tapes recorded subjects, some of whom were fairly young, under hypnosis in the 1970s. Some of them claimed to have been Jews who had been massacred in 11th century York at Clifford's Tower, and gave details that accorded with all of the expert evidence on the period and also seemed to fill in gaps in the knowledge. The children would have had to have read every book on the period to have known all that they did. In one case, a crypt was discovered in a York church, which had previously been unknown yet matched the description of one of the hypnosis subjects exactly.