Rasayana I

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dngul chu - 1) Template:Wiki [kind of precious medicine, astringent, cooling, by its power rasayana, gnyan nadjoms, dries rnag dang chu ser, clears away gdon nad syn: khams chen po dang, khu ba'i dbang po, dngul byed, chu sman ral gri reg gcod, chu'i sman pa dkar po, thig le dar ya kan, dag pa'i khams, bdud rtsi bcud rgyal, 'ded byed, gnam gyi bya khyung dkar po, 'phrog byed, dbang phyug thig le, 'bigs byed rgyal po, mes 'ching, mtshal skyes, mtshal gyi bu, mtshal chu, rdzas kyi rdo rje pha lam, zla ba'i gzugs]; 2) dngul chu river [the name meaning white snow mt water, in accord w the source and when it goes into dza yul, flowing into the rdza chu] [IW]

bcud kyi len - rasayana, rejuvenation practice [RY]

bcud kyi len - rasayana [IW]

bcud kyi len sbyar ba - rasayana, rejuvenation practice [RY]

bcud kyi len sbyar ba - rasayana [IW]

bcud len - rejuvenation practice; extracting the essence; rasayana. One of the eight common siddhis/accomplishments {thun mong gi dngos grub brgyad} extraction of nutrients, [the art of] extracting essence, alchemy. a means of extracting the elixir of Template:Wiki from the earth and subsisting upon it. essence-extract, extracting essences extraction of nutrients; alchemy / extracting the quintessence [RY]

bcud len - elixir, alchemy, art of extracting essences for prolonging health and longevity, rasayana, the preparation and use of the long life elixirs, extraction of nutrients [JV]

bcud len - 1) rasayana;

2) extracting nutrients from food [IW]

bcud len grub - accomplish rasayana [IW]

bcud len grub pa'i dngul chu - Template:Wiki or semen that accomplishes rasayana [IW]

bcud len grub pa'i dngul chu - Template:Wiki for accomplishing rasayana [RY]

bcud len dngos grub - siddhi of rasayana [IW]

bcud len bde ba'i dpag bsam - Wholesome Wish-fulfillment of Rasayana [IW]

bya rgyud kyi dngos grub gsum - the three accomplishments of kriya [supreme: becoming a rig 'dzin and higher perceptions and knowing all the shastras etc and, the middle: invisibility rasayana, swift walking etc, [8 ordinary siddhis], the lower gzhan dbang du 'du ba dang bsad bskrad etc. or, rdzas, lus, longs spyod etc.] [IW]

'bras bu gsum - the three medicinal fruits a, bar, and skyur) aa ru ra dang, ba ru ra, skyu ru ra [R]} by their power Template:Wiki and bile are cured, rasayana performed, eyes are clear/sharp, and the bodily elements are put in balance] [IW]

'tsho ba'i mdo - Sutra of Livelihood [extensive Template:Wiki shastra by Nagarjuna on nam zla dus bzhi'i spyod lam, rasayana etc] [IW]

ra sa ya na - rasayana [IW]

