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Ritual purification is a feature of many religions. The eradication from the mind of negative imprints left by past non-virtuous actions, which would otherwise ripen into suffering. The most effective methods of purification employ the four opponent powers of regret, reliance, virtuous activity and resolve.

The aim of these rituals is to remove specifically defined uncleanliness prior to a particular type of activity, and especially prior to the Template:Wiki of a deity.

This ritual uncleanliness is not identical with ordinary physical impurity, such as dirt stains; nevertheless, Body fluids are generally considered ritually unclean.

Purification Generally, any practice that leads to the attainment of a pure body, speech, or mind. More specifically, a practice for purifying negative karma by means of the four opponent powers.

Most of these rituals existed long before the germ Template:Wiki of Template:Wiki, and figure prominently from the earliest known religious systems of the Template:Wiki Near East.

Some writers remark that similarities between cleansing actions, engaged in by obsessive compulsive disorder sufferers and those of religious purification rites, point to an ultimate origin of the rituals in the personal grooming Template:Wiki of the primates, but others connect the rituals to primitive taboos.

Some have seen benefits of these practices that as a point of health and preventing infections especially in areas where humans come in close contact with each other.

 While these practices came before the idea of the germ Template:Wiki was public in areas that use daily cleaning, the destruction of infectious agents seems to be dramatic.

In Japanese Buddhism, a basin called a tsukubai is provided at Buddhist temples for ablutions. It is also used for tea Template:Wiki.

In Shinto, the main Form of ritual purification is Misogi, which involves natural running water, and especially waterfalls. Rather than being entirely naked, men usually wear Japanese Template:Wikis and women wear Template:Wiki, both additionally wearing headbands.

bskyed rim snang zhen sbyong ba - to Template:Wiki the clinging to the appearances of the development stage [RY]

khyod kyi lce bcad pas sdig pa mi 'dag gi - cutting off your Template:Wiki does not Template:Wiki evil actions! [RY]

kun nyon dang rnam byang - affliction and perfection / total purification [RY]

kun nas nyong mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba yang dag par ston pa - the teacher of the afflictions of the kleshas and of their complete purification [IW]

kun nas nyong mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba yongs su tshol ba - thorough investigation of the afflictions of the kleshas and of their complete purification [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba - the side of the kleshas,suffering and its origin] and that of enlightenment, [the path and cessation, affliction and perfection/total purification [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba - affliction and perfection / total purification. Syn {'khor 'das} samsara and nirvana [RY]

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba - affliction and perfection/total purification sdug kun gnyis kun nas nyon mongs pa and 'gog lam gnyis rnam byang. [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba dag - affliction and perfection/total purification [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba dang ldang ba thams cad mkhyen pa'i stobs - the power of knowng affliction and perfection/total purification [the power of knowing of samadhi, liberation, samapapatte dhyana etc.] [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba'i mtshan nyid - the characteristics of affliction and perfection/total purification [IW]

kun sbyong - thorough purification [IW]

khrus - to bathe, Template:Wiki;

1) washing, bath, ablution.
2) Syn {khrud}
3) bathing water.
4) pf. of {'khrud} and {khru}
5) imp. of {'khrud pa} Syn {khrus rgyag pa}; imp. of {'khrud pa} [RY]

khrus chog - a purifying ritual (bath); purification ritual {khregs chod gzhi'i gnas lugs} ground nature of trekcho [RY]

'khrul pa dwangs pa - to Template:Wiki illusion [JV]

'khrul pa sbyong pa - to Template:Wiki one's delusion [RY]

'khrul pa sbyong pa - Template:Wiki delusion [IW]

goms sbyang - Template:Wiki through familiarity [IW]

glo bur byong ba - Template:Wiki the incidental [IW]

glo bur sbyong ba - purifying the temporary [RY]

dgag dbye - stopped, obstructed, 1 of 3 principal Template:Wiki performed in order to Template:Wiki the pratimoksa precepts [JV]

dge ba - virtuous; syn {Template:Wiki spyad dang gtsang byed]]} good deeds or purifying actions [RY]

dngos dri ma de gsal sangs rgyas - purifying these stains of Template:Wiki is buddhahood [IW]
