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1. To show or demonstrate plainly; reveal: "Mercedes . . . manifested the chaotic abandonment of hysteria" (Jack London).
2. To be evidence of; prove.
a. To record in a ship's manifest.
b. To display or present a manifest of (cargo).
1. A list of cargo or passengers carried on a ship or plane.
2. An invoice of goods carried on a truck or train.
3. A list of railroad cars according to owner and location.

1. easily noticed or perceived; obvious; plain
2. (Psychoanalysis) Psychoanal of or relating to the ostensible elements of a dream manifest content Compare latent [5]
1. (tr) to show plainly; reveal or display to manifest great emotion
2. (tr) to prove beyond doubt
3. (intr) (of a disembodied spirit) to appear in visible form
4. (Transport / Nautical Terms) (tr) to list in a ship's manifest
1. (Transport / Nautical Terms) a customs document containing particulars of a ship, its cargo, and its destination
a. (Engineering / Aeronautics) a list of cargo, passengers, etc., on an aeroplane
b. (Transport / Railways) a list of railway trucks or their cargo
c. (Transport / Railways) Chiefly US and Canadian a fast freight train carrying perishables
[from Latin manifestus plain, literally: struck with the hand, from manū with the hand + -festus struck]
