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loving kindness (Skt: maitri; Tib: yi ong jam pa)

In the context of the seven points of cause and effect, the wish for all beings to have happiness, with the added dimension of yi ong (beautiful or affectionate); often translated as “affectionate loving kindness.” Lama Zopa Rinpoche suggests this is the “loving kindness of seeing others in beauty.”

Loving-kindness is a specific kind of love conceptualized in various religious traditions, both among Template:Wiki and religious practitioners, as a form of love characterized by acts of kindness.

Use in Template:Wiki[edit | edit source]

The term Loving-kindness (or "lovingkindness") was coined by Template:Wiki for his Template:Wiki of 1535, as an English translation of the Hebrew word chesed (which appears in the Latin Vulgate as "misericordia"); in that text it is spelled "louinge kyndnesse". It is also used in this sense in the American Standard Version and various other versions of the Template:Wiki. This term is used often in the Template:Wiki, and refers to acts of kindness, motivated by love. It is used primarily in reference to God, rather than people.

Use in Buddhism[edit | edit source]

Loving-kindness is an English equivalent for the Buddhist term Mettā, as described in the Metta Sutta of the Pali Canon's Sutta Nipata (Sn 1.8) and Khuddakapatha (Khp 9), and practiced in Loving kindness meditation.

Use in Template:Wiki[edit | edit source]

English translations of the writings of the Template:Wiki often use the term loving-kindness when referring to the original Persian mohabbat. This is in line with the style chosen by Template:Wiki to use a slightly archaic form of English.
