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Activities (las, phrin las). Usually referring to the four activities of pacifying, increasing, magnetizing and subjugating.

bkra shis spyi 'dren - Tashi Chidren, the Activities-emanation of Vajravarahi [RY]

sku gsung thugs yon tan phrin las mi zad pa rgyan gyi 'khor lo - never-ending adornment wheels of Body, Speech, Mind, Qualities, and Activities; of Body, Template:Wiki, Mind, Qualities and Activities [RY]

sku gsung thugs yon tan phrin las mi zad pa rgyan gyi 'khor lo - Inexhaustible Adornment Wheel of Body, Template:Wiki, Mind, Qualities and Activities; the wheel ornamented with the inexhaustible body, speech, mind, qualities, and activities [RY]

'dul ba bzhi'i cho 'phrul - Magical display of the four conversions, magical display of the fourfold conversion possessed by a nirmanakaya: Converting through the Template:Wiki deeds of his Body endowed with great merit; such as the Twelve Deeds {mdzad pa bcu gnyis} and so forth. Conversion through the direct perception of the great superknowledges of his Mind which are the six super-knowledges {mngon shes drug}. Conversion through the great miraculous power of his inconceivable Qualities and Activities which are the various magical displays of the deeds of his Three Secrets {gsang gsum}. Conversion through the knowledge of teaching the five vehicles of his Template:Wiki or conversion through the Mahayana teaching of his Template:Wiki. The five vehicle are for gods, humans, shravaka and pratyekabuddhas, bodhisattvas, and the Secret Mantra. See {'dul ba rnam par bzhi} [RY]

phrin las kyi rtsa ba - Root of Activities. The dakinis and Dharma protectors [RY]

'bras chos rnam lnga - fivefold fruition; the Body, Speech, Mind, Qualities, and Activities. [RY]

ye shes kyi mgon po - Wisdom protectors are the protectors of Body, Speech, Mind, Qualities and Activities [RY]

las tshogs - Activities, Activity practices, karma, Kriya, actions, yogic applications [RY]

