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'੧' is the first Shbd(word/digit/constant) of Gurbani. It reflects oneness of Lord TRUTH and Lord TRUTH's physical profile i. e. Humanity. Phonetically in Gurbani accent, it pronounced as 'ikk' the way we pronounce 'it' with heavy stress on consonant 'k'.

Sikh Events on the 1st of the month[edit | edit source]

  • March Hola Mohalla *see list of dates: 2008: March 22, 09:March 11, 10:March 1, 11:March 20, 12:March 9, 13:March 28, 14:March 17, 15: March 6, 16: March 24, 17:March 13, 18: March 2, 19:March 21, 20:March 10
